Every presidential election produces the usual tchotchkes: keychains, T-shirts, buttons, bumperstickers. I was astounded, however, by the variety and creativity of the souvenirs I saw in DC in my week there. Independent vendors working out of rental vans and off of rickety card tables and suitcases populated almost every corner around major Metro stations and around monuments and the Mall, selling anything and everything to the eager millions. What recession? Judging from the millions of dollars inauguration attendees shelled out, you wouldn't think we were mired in a dire financial global crisis. I bought so many buttons, tees, posters, keychains, mugs, and newspapers that I needed an extra suitcase to carry everything back with me.
Underwear, playing cards, bottled water: if it had President Obama's name or image on it, it flew off the shelves, off of tables, and out of suitcases and rented vans, and from leased brick-and-mortar stores which clustered around the U-Street area, the Chinatown/Gallery Place neighborhood, and in Union Station. Of course, I saw the "official" inauguration items for sale in quiet, respectable stores, such as the Shepard Fairey $100 limited edition poster, the $50 coins and $30 tees. But even more fun were the items that small companies and local DC artists produced and hawked from every corner.
Here's a sampling of some of the most creative and crazy inauguration stuff, some of which I bought, and some I passed on. I'll leave it up to you to guess what I took back with me!

Who could resist a chcolate bar printed with Obama quotes and a "America's First Chocolate President" printed on the front?

Obama body oils. This vendor was calling out: "Obama body oils! Smells like Dolce and Obama! Don't you wanna smell like CHANGE?"

Beanies of every imaginable color and design.

Malcolm X became a victim of Photoshop. Yikes.

Union Station t-shirt vendor.

Black market Shepard Fairey HOPE tees on 7th street.

It's time for a new administration!

The biggest Obama merchandise store at 7th and E.

I threw up a little bit in my mouth when I saw these. Simultaneously fascinated and repulsed.

$1 Obama T-shirts from this guy out of a white van in front of the Organization of American States building near the Wash Monument. Yes, I bought some and almost got punched in the neck by a woman in the crazy mob that formed around this vendor.

Lots of tees near the Capitol.

Yes, people actually bought thousands of bottles of Obama water to take back home with them.

Michelle got some love too.

Dog tags and watches.

Obama earrings!

Obama handclappers and a "souvenir" facsimile of the inaugural swearing-in ticket that sold for $15 (like mine, it was completely worthless).

Not sure if the Native Hawai'ians would like this one, as only indigenous people of Hawaii are really called Hawai'ians, (others who are born in Hawaii are called 'locals'), but you get the point of this one.

Obama the Heavyweight Champion of the World.

And yes, even toenail clippers. Not sure that I want to see my president as I cut my nails, but hey. Whatever makes folks happy.


Posters everywhere.

Flags and buttons on every corner.

And finally, my pet peeve of the week. No, people, this wasn't a HISTORICAL event. It was an HISTORIC event.

Well, I think you know which party's merchandise ISN'T selling like hotcakes! I think some vendors were doing a buy-one-get-20 free on the leftover McCain campaign merch.
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